

 linked list 2

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Writing a linked list program (pt 2) using Human Level Artificial Intelligence


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This video shows a robot writing a linked list program. There are no sound in the video because I wanted to show the viewers how the robot thinks while writing a software program.

Students in college learn linked lists in the second course of computer science. You can say that linked list are fundamental data structures that serves as building blocks for any software program. You can build simple programs like hello world or complex programs like an operating system using data structure and object-oriented programming.

It takes a tremendous amount of intelligence in order to understand and write a program using a linked list. The robot read books and attend lectures to learn about linked list (and other CS topics). He formulates diagrams, animations, static data, and flow charts on linked lists in his brain. For example, the understanding of a linked list is based on a primitive movie of what a linked list looks like and what it does. The robot might have a image of a train and each cart is linked to each other. This image represents what a linked list is.

Also, the robot has static data on linked list. For example, there are basically several parts to a linked list: node class, list class, and the main body. He has a general knowledge on linked list, as well as, a detailed knowledge on elements of a linked list. In the list class, he knows that there are methods to manipulate data in the linked list, such as: append(), delete(), or print(). And within each method are even more details.

In the video, the robot writes ideas and logic on a notebook. He wants to remind himself what he has to accomplish. By writing things down on paper he is able to organize his thoughts. First, he has to interpret the meaning behind the assignment. The robot tells himself the most important things he has to do. Next, he applies knowledge about computer science (especially linked list) to the assignment. Then, he creates the structure of the software program. First the structure of the program is general, then he includes the details of every single statement of the program.

In the video, the robot first constructs a general program structure: 1. node class. 2. list class. 3. main body. After writing all three parts, the robot focuses on the details. The 3 methods in list class was done last because they were the hardest to write. During the robot's writing, he constantly looks at his notes to remind himself what he has to do. Think of the notes as guidance for the robot. He breaks up his program structure into steps and follows each step systematically. Sometimes the robot changes his plans and ignore steps in the notes or he might create new plans because the original ones were wrong.

This video on writing a linked list is very long and has 2 parts.



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