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Books by Mitchell Kwok


Super Intelligent Robots #4 comic book



       Self-Aware Robots and the 13th Amendment #4 (NEW!!)       



In 2033 a consumer robot working for a Chinese restaurant refuses to work and suffered a brutal beating from the restaurant owner. The robot retaliated and severely wounding its master. After further examination of the robot's internal functions, especially its cognition, investigators determined that it was self-aware and has the capacity to make its own decisions. The robotic company that built the robot was sent to court for violating the 13th amendment. This court case is attempting to determine if a self-aware robot can be classified as human...

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human level artificial intelligence



       Virtual United States Government (NEW!!)      



The virtual united states government is a government system that passes and enforces laws for robots, virtual robots and super intelligent robots.

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Super Intelligent Robots #2 comic book



       Super Intelligent Robots #2 comic book      



The comic book issue is about one Super Intelligent Robot (aka Superintelligence) vs. the entire United States military. It clearly shows how destructive these machines really are. At the end of the comic I propose a definitive solution to the Superintelligence problem or "the Mutant problem".

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Universal CPU



       Universal CPU and Evolving Transforming Computers      



Universal Central Processing Unit (universal CPU): a CPU that can phsyically changes its circuit gates during runtime.  Evolving Transforming Computers: computers that physically change its hardware and software during runtime.

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real time machine



       Real Time Machine      



All inventions listed below are encapsulated which means they are built on top of each other. The present invention, called the practical time machine, needs all 7 components in order to build. These 7 inventions will be the evolution of Artificial Intelligence for the next 100 years. It starts off as a human robot and evolves into a practical Time Machine.


  1. Human-level artificial intelligence (2006)

  2. Super Artificial Intelligence (aka Dynamic efficient virtual and real robots)

  3. Perfect digital timeline of Earth (tracking all atoms for the past, present, and future)

  4. The atom manipulator

  5. Ghost robots

  6. Virtual United States Government (2008)

  7. Universal CPU and Evolving transforming computers.


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       SUPER INTELLIGENT ROBOTS # 1 (comic book)      



This is my first comic book. Everything is done by yours truly - the writing, artwork, coloring, inking, and graphic designs. This free copy is complete with full pages. However, the digital coloring are missing.   The retail copy contains the digital coloring and additional 5 pages of artwork.


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       How to build any SUPER HERO ROBOT from Marvel comics or DC comics  (invention 2007)       



The following book is based on a real life invention filed with the United States Patent office called, the Practical time machine (22 patents filed between 2006-2009).  Components of the Practical time machine are used in permutations and combinations to build any Superhero from Marvel comics or DC comics.  These are "robotic" superheroes known as Super intelligent robots...


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human level artificial intelligence



       Human Level Artificial Intelligence book1      



In the Artificial Intelligence subject matter there are literally thousands and thousands of fields.  Some of these fields are:  Neural Networks, NLP, Bayesian's probability theories, predicate calculus, language parsers, grammar rules, rule-based systems, forward and backward logic, recursive strip programs, recursive planning programs (for 2 player games),  machine learning, semantic networks, genetic programming, and so forth.  This book is concerned about self-learning machines and human-robot interactions.  Based on Mitchell's 6 year design of a learning computer program, he discusses the components that make up the human level artificial intelligence program.  Instead of using complex matrixes or lengthy discrete mathematical algorithms, the author explains the computer program in a basic but comprehensive way.  The book also outlines some creative approaches to instill intelligence into robots.  Most of the material is written in terms of theoretical analysis and has not been scientifically proven through discrete math or computer science.  learn more

universal artificial intelligence 2



       Universal Artificial Intelligence book2                            



The Universal Artificial Intelligence program is an AI software that can play a videogame in the most optimal way possible.  The UAI program serves as the foundation for all learning machines and has a bootstrapping process to keep old information and use the old information to learn new information.  This AI program can play all games for any videogame console including X-box 360, Playstation 2, Gameboy advance, P2P and other console based systems. 

Although there are many integrated components that make up the UAI program, the complexity of the technology is explained to the readers in a basic way without the traditional jargon of computer science.  Most of the chapters will concentrate on three parts of the program which are:  storing information, retrieving information and modifying information.  The function of the UAI program is to predict the future and pursue pathways that lead to pleasure and stay away from pathways that lead to pain.  In terms of the videogame, the AI will play the game by accomplishing the objective of the game with the highest score possible.

The readers should be aware that the computer program has not been proven through math or science and that the author created this technology based on scientific analysis.  learn more

universal artificial intelligence



       Universal Artificial Intelligence book3                              



The second half of the computer codes to the Universal Artificial Intelligence program is covered in this book. Subject matters such as the follow pathway, the retraining of templates, and the different search methods are discussed.  In the previous two books a summary of the UAI is covered but there are missing components.  This book covers the detailed version of the UAI and all the complicated modules that make up the software.  The author tries to explain the program to the readers in a simple and straight-forward way without the complicated jargons of computer science. 

The book also has a section on discarded chapters the author plans to throw away.  Because they contain important ideas and suggestions the author wanted to share them with readers.  The subject matters within these discarded chapters range from topics covered in both the Human Level Artificial Intelligence program and the Universal Artificial Intelligence program.  learn more

human artificial intelligence  


         Human artificial intelligence book4



"Machines that are thousands of times smarter than human beings"

The summary of the book will not be presented here because it will provide sensitive information about what and how the technology works.  For more information about this book and the 5th book click here

About the author: 

Mitchell Kwok graduated from the University of Hawaii with a computer science degree and a minor in art.  He spent 6 years researching and developing a different form of learning machine.  He has also written and published four books on the technology.


The website above contains some pseudo codes and program demonstrations on the technology.  Both the human level artificial intelligence program and universal artificial intelligence program are discussed on the site. 





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